Nothing much happen in the morning as i get up at 10am.... on the laptop and change the anti-virus while print my revision notes for last preparation for Writing in Business.... Went out at 12 noon with my mum and reach to campus at 1.30pm.... 1st thing i do once i reach there is i go find out who same examination hall with me... thank god that some of my friends are same class with me which is Sam, Kien Weng, Max etc etc.... i smsed with my dear Simon all the way go to campus and all the way back home till now... even msn now ^^ now i goin to post some of the pictures i took in exam hall...
This is the table number that i sit.. LOL
This is the front part of the hall from where i sit
the back part of the exam hall....
Eventually i sit the middle left side of the hall.... the lecturers cant even see that i replying my dear at the last 10 minutes of the exam.... they also cant see i took out my phone to snap pictures.... i finish exam at sharp 4pm and i search for friends to go home with me...
reach my house station there at 5pm... went to jusco to eat dinner... it was onli 5.30pm but i hungry what to do? hehe.... walk and eat finish dinner around 6pm+.... went to Romp to look for jacket and i found a jacket same with my dear Simon de red jacket.... i told my mum about it and she let me buy!!! haha!!! cost about RM49.90 and i had to buy medium size as my mum told me.... thats all for Exam Day 1~
Tomoro will have update... it will be about my journey with my dear Simon tomoro....
thats all for now....
~♥~ show you a sweet dream next night ~♥~
♥ Michelle ♥
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