
Sunday, August 23, 2009

It have been a while

It have been awhile now... Whatever i do now i will regret... cant i do something right? Its been really tough for me... I never thought i will go through this once more again.... I really miss him... I dunno know what to do... Wishing him happiness sound so easy but inside me is so hurtful.... Anything about him its none of my business anymore... Seeing him really good with another girl feels so hurt inside but its already none of his business too... All i can do is glad that he able to find someone that give him happy life more than i do... I have been a terrible gf... All cause my attitude.... Stupid attitude that spoils everything in my life...

There are friends that ask me "is he really that important until you can give up everything?" or "is he worth it that you let go everything?".... I answer the same as usual which is "yes" or "anything i can do to maintain this relationship"....

Yesterday i apologize to him about how i treated him and everything... he says what is pass is pass... true... I really regret about how i treated him.... He told me that it is not a must to wait for him and i wont rise the chance of what i have after 3 years.... it sound silly rite? i know i know.... i dunno what else i can do anymore....

Love you always,
♥ Michelle ♥

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